Killing Myself – Available In: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Audio!
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Suzanne Snow knows that her patient is running out of time but how much of herself is she willing to give?
“Why a psychiatrist and not a rocket scientist?”
“The brain in a way is more complex, and space seems so unattainable. Sure we can send rockets into outer space, but once we get there you are so limited. And living in such a tiny living space would cramp my style.”
“So, what was so dark about your choice?”
“I do not normally tell this to my patients, but since you and I have shared human subjugation by an unopposed force… Something few will ever experience and survive to talk about.” Suzanne took a breath, as if to reminisce about our recent ordeal.
“Sounds like you are preparing to drop a bomb on me.”
“When I was eleven, almost twelve, I experienced a horrible transition through puberty, I felt as though life had given me a raw deal. I also had a friend and we would feed off each other’s misery. Eventually this led to us making a horrible decision that haunts me to this day.” She stopped.
“You just keep on giving don’t cha. How did you shake the shadow of death?”
“A lot of time is spent focusing on reasons why we don’t want to live, but all it takes is that one reason why we should keep on living.” Doctor Suzanne Snow answered. – Excerpt from – Killing Myself – Traversing Minds Stars Here – Do Not judge this book by it’s title!