
I Am Nate by Arthur S Newman

I Am Nate bound to be an unforgettable series. Learn More Here

The Umbrella Clause Seeking Readers. What is The Umbrella Clause?

Arrived On 11/04/2019 The Bear and The Storm HardCover

The Bear and The Storm is the fourth chapter of Ever Tangled With Lightning the Illustrated Version. There is also an Interactive version just waiting for your imagination to be charged. Beware of the lightning!

There is so much more to be discovered, in my next post I will share some of my eccentric ideas in the form of illustrations.


Welcome to my site. I will use this site to keep you posted on the culmination of my dreams as they go to print or to song. I want to thank all of the usual suspects who have started this journey with me, and thank all those who are staying the course.

In case you do not know, I am a storyteller first, writer second, illustrator sometimes and I never stop dreaming.

This site is necessary, because there are still friends, family, associates and everyone else who say I did not know you write or that you are published. This is do to the fact that I am my own worst promoter.

In my next post I will introduce you to some of my works of ART.

Until the next post arrivederci.